A Tribute to Our Loved Ones!

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly impacted many of us, our friends, family & loved ones. Though we are facing difficult times, we are all in this together, and together we will get through it. 

Brooklyn NAACP would like to take a moment during our upcoming General Membership meeting to pay tribute to loved ones in our community who we have lost to COVID-19 and also honor our essential workers who are on the front lines to keep us safe every day.

Our meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 29th 2020 at 7:00pm on 'Facebook Live'.  https://www.facebook.com/brooklynnaacp/

If you have a loved one that you’d like to highlight, take a moment to fill out this survey.

Please submit by Monday, April 27th, 2020 in order to be included in this “Tribute To Our Loved Ones”.

Fill out survey here: https://forms.gle/PykFn1Y6W8RdfkW26  

Continue to practice physical distancing guidelines, stay safe, and stay healthy.

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